Delhi Public World School

Admission open for session 2023-2024 | Call us +91 9926381444 for more details.
Admission open for session 2023-2024 | Call us +91 9926381444 for more details.


The syllabus and the curriculum are child-centric and as per the NCERT/NCF guidelines. Both scholastic and coscholastic subjects are given equal importance. In English, the focus is majorly on reading and comprehension. Students are encouraged to read more and are also further motivated to express their thoughts in words. Mathematical concepts with basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are taught through activities. Hindi as a language is taught keeping in mind the matras for better understanding. GK and other subjects are also dealt with in an interesting manner. The content is developed by the skilled teachers as per the level of the learners following a vertical co-ordination between the two Grades – 1 and 2. Each subject is taught with various inter-related art and language activities for better understanding of the concepts. There is a smooth transition from one Grade to the other and the concepts taught in Grade 1 are further elaborated and taken to the next level of difficulty in Grade 2. This pattern is followed for each subject.


Children at DPWS Gwalior are taught to seek knowledge from everything they do. They are encouraged to engage in new ideas and to solve simple practical problems. Our aim is to make them confident enough to demonstrate independence in activities like dressing, personal hygiene and selecting an activity or resources. They are also made comfortable in expressing their feeling but at the same time, they are educated on how to behave in appropriate ways with an understanding of what is right or wrong and why. They develop respect for cultural of their own and also of others.

A plethora of activities and themes are designed with which every student can relate. The competitions are planned keeping in mind the overall development of the child in the various spheres of learning. Events and Celebrations planned throughout the session gives them an opportunity to face the crowd and express themselves. Sessions on grooming are conducted periodically. All these play a significant role in their personality development.